TR Level 30 Unranked Account



  • Server: Turkey (TR)
  • 10.000-70.000 BE (depending on choosen variation)
  • Loot: Random Loot + 25 Capsules (only if you choose this variation)
  • Changeable Email
  • Instant Delivery
  • 30 Day Warranty
  • Nice fantasy summonernames without numbers
Accepted Payment Methods


This League of Legends smurf is level 30 with 25+ Champion Capsules for you to open! – Equivalent to 20,000+ IP if you disenchant all Champion Shards. Additionally, you get champions even cheaper if you don’t disenchant but activate the champion shards for your favorite champions.

The account is fresh therefore it has no reports, no previous ranked games and a nice summonername. After the purchase you will be able to change the e-mail address and the password of your account.

Thanks to our automatic delivery system, you will receive the account instantly 24/7. In case the email does not show up, make sure to also check the spam folder. After the purchase you can instantly access your account and buy/upgrade your preferred champions using the champion capsules.

For any questions send me a message on Discord, use the LiveChat or send me an E-Mail.



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